Food Donations at Calloway

We are so appreciative of the huge hearts these girls possess and their hard work!  CCHS alumni, Cate Anderson, (seen in several pics) helped put these bags together many times when volunteering for our center during her time at CCHS.  Donations have been down the last year, but thanks to a couple of huge donations within the last couple of months, the Laker Harbour's weekend food bag program is back on track!  We are so thankful for community partners/supporters like Alpha Gamma Delta, Pella, and the Murray Rotary Foundation along with the many clubs and individuals that make it their mission to help this program!

Alpha Gam’s philanthropic focus is fighting hunger and the girls within this sorority have made it their priority to take action and help those within our community! Last year, we started the tradition of hosting an annual food drive for the local school districts. Greek organizations on campus donated snack items to Alpha Gamma Delta’s spring philanthropy event, “Full Plates, Full Hearts” These donated items were then given to Calloway County School District and Murray Independent School District. Within just three days, we were able to collect over 15,000 food items! This philanthropy event has allowed us to help create change and give back to the community we love so much! 


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