New Years Kick-Off

Local store owner and Calloway Alumni Carrey Boggess partners with Calloway Harbor to kick off the new year.

This winter, Mrs. Lisa Hays reached out to the parents of students, in hopes of bringing the students to Carrey’s store front for snacks and shopping. “We just wanted to treat the students” says Hays, “Carrey and I, we have wanted to do something like this for a while.” The idea behind bringing students out to Carrey's being that they wanted to create a community.

This event was entirely planned and funded by Carrey and The Laker Harbor, which is entirely the result of the kindness in their hearts. With so much hatred in the world, little moments like this could mean so much to someone.

Studies show that as the winter season approaches, it is normal for moods to fluctuate, and this is especially true with teens as hormone levels rise. Getting through the holidays can be tough for some young teens; The Laker Harbor wanted to acknowledge that with a special treat.

“I remember when Carrey was a student here, she always found a way to make someone's day,” says Ms. Hays, “She always came in with a smile on her face and was quick to put a smile on someone else's face.”

This event was just another opportunity for Carry to put a smile on someone’s face. At the end of the night, there was a group of teens that had full bellies and smiles on their faces. “I think it was great that they put this on for these girls,” says an anonymous parent, “My daughter came home and put on a fashion show with all the clothes she got. Her smile never left her face.” It was a magical night for those who got the chance to be there, and it is a memory that will never leave the hearts of the students that were there.

Izzy Rodriguez

Isabella is one of the newer editions to Laker review who holds many talents revolving around Art, Photography, and tech design. After moving to Murray in the summer of 2020 from a town right outside of the U.S. capital, Isabella quickly got Involved in the Art programs in Calloway. This includes things such as arts and film classes, as well as the CCHS Art club! Something to note with Isabella is her unbreakable ability to come up with solutions to problems quickly, as well as being a quick learner.


Teen Spirit


Oh, How I Love Your Season