Revival Gone Viral


Imagine seeing a university filled with over 50,000 strangers with their hands lifted and praises pouring out for God. This was the sight of a revival that a student from CCHS, Ella Tucker, had when she visited Asbury University.  

The revival began on February 8th, when a routine chapel service at Asbury had students remaining in worship after it had finished. Soon enough, there were videos on TikTok showing how this exciting event was taking place. Ella happened to come across those videos. It was evident that others were traveling to experience this revival, and she wanted to do the same by suggesting to her youth group about attending this revival. There was enough interest for the group to attend.    

The bus ride there was long since Asbury University is four hours away. Upon arrival, Ella explained how the mood shifted from “silence to excitement” as they saw the amount of people gathered to worship.  

When asked by the Laker Review why she wanted to go, Ella said, “Initially I came for the excitement of being with over 20,000 like-minded people.” According to Ella,” I did not know what to expect, but God changed my reasoning for being there. He gave me a sense of peace about the things I had been worrying about in life that I felt I couldn’t control.” Ella explained how she noticed the energy from the revival was maintained at the small church she went to the next day. Ella said, “I was reminded that WE are the revival. Asbury was just a place for us to be encouraged and shows how we are not alone.”  

 Along with Ella, there are other testimonies of how this revival encouraged others through their walk with God. Many critics are defining this heart-warming movement as ‘manipulation’ and ‘planned.’ Whether you believe in God or not, this revival was not staged (as Ella’s account can verify) and is a sweet demonstration of a different kind of love. 

Casey Hileman

Casey is a senior at Calloway County High school. She enjoys expressing herself through color guard, band, and even painting. Faith, family and friends are important factors that make her who she is today. She works hard towards her goals involving all areas of her life. She joined the Laker Review as a step towards her path to becoming a journalist. This year, she hopes to inspire others as well as making everyone’s voice heard.


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