The Willow Project

The future of our climate is in the hands of the president now; The Willow Project is a project supported by the ConocoPhillips company where they want to drill oil in the north slope of Alaska. 

This project can and will affect the arctic animals and their ways of life, as well as our ways of life. The repercussions from this project will continue for decades.  

The Willow project is controversial partly because it will release 9.2 million metric tons of carbon pollution each year according to a report from CNN. That is 276 million metric tons of pollution in just 30 years. This shear amount of pollution is enough to melt glaciers, cause horrific climate change, and kill millions of arctic animals putting them at risk of extinction. 

We are all guilty of doing things that harm our planet, and eradicating every bad thing for our environment is next to impossible. However, this project would implode our climate.  

Of course, not everyone will care about this issue, but for those of you who love wildlife and want your children, grandchildren and descendants to continue to enjoy a wonderful, lush world, start thinking of how to change the script. We should all be advocating for our climate and be less worried about more money going into the pockets of the rich.  

One huge aspect of The Willow project is the “boost” it will give to Alaska's economy. Yes, money wise it has benefits. However, not even one of those benefits outweighs the cost of the project. We will lose so many beautiful creatures and landscapes due to this project. 

It is simply not worth it.  

Jordyn Duncan

Jordyn is a junior this year, she is a good student, and enjoys reading and writing as well as listening to music. This is her first year working on the laker review. She is excited to explore this new area and the possibilities that come with it. As for her future, she aspires to find a career path to where she can help others.


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