State Robotics Championship
This past Saturday was the Kentucky State Championship for FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics held on the campus of Murray State University with twenty one registered teams from Kentucky and five other states. FIRST Tech Challenge is one of four competitive robotics programs offered by FIRST (For Inspriation and Reconition of Science and Technology) The robots are student built from kit materials 18"X18"x18" robots competing on a 12'x12' field. Robots compete in qualifications matches during the tournament and the top fours robot teams selecte two partners teams to compete in double elimination matches to determin the champion.
We have two CCHS teams who have been working on robots since September (Team 14727 "Mind of the Machine" and team 18865 "Will of the Machine"). Both teams competed at this event and earn recongnition. Team 14727 finished franked 14th and 18865 finished ranked 12th.
Team 14727 Won the Motivate Award
Team 18865 Was First Runner-up in the Inovation Award for their three wheeled omini direction drive system.
Team 18865 was the second robot chosen by the fourth ranked allience capitian to compete in the elimination matches. The alliance lost their first match but won their second (with contributions from our robot) but lost thier third match. Competing in the elimination matches was a tremendous reward for the team. Their opposing alliance lead by a team from Louisville Collegent ultimately won the tournament.
Lastly, the only individual student award given in FIRST is the FIRST Deans List simi-finalist. Named in honor of FIRST Co-Founder Dean Kamen. Canditates are choose from a combinations of interviews and a coach recommondation letter where two students from Kentucky FIRST Tech Challenge Teams are choosen as semi-finalist to represent Kentucky at the world Championship of FIRST. The two semifinalist slected at the State Championship are a youngman from Craft Academy and Kerrigan McManus a junior here at Calloway County High School. Her submission letter and interview notes will be review and considered during the World Championship event in Houston Texas where 10 finailist will be choosen. Finalist receive (Large) scholarships from FIRST.
If you see the following Robotics Team students who attended congradualate them for thier efforts.
CCHS FTC Robotics TEAM 14727 "Mind of the Machine"
Aiden Edwards
Caleb Darnell
Kerrigan McManus
Vivian Slaton
Amelia Slaton
Adam Dunn
Kaden Johnson
Ethan Cain
CCHS FTC Robotics TEAM 18865 "Will of the Machine"
Kaliko Sparrowhawk
Thomas Chase Wesley
Wesley Higgins
Taylor Frantz
Michael Turnman
Michael Johnson
Ben Poor