The Grind-Gadden Henshaw
Right on Target
“Pull” that’s a word you hear at a gun range right before they shoot the target.
Pull up a chair. You are about to find out who is on the grind, where we talk about the blood, sweat, and tears of sports. Everyone starts somewhere on their grind.
Now, while past individuals featured on the grind have a history with their sport, Gadden Henshaw has just begun his grind. While most would not see results this quick, Gadden has with his remarkable talent.
Some might consider it luck when they find out that, up until a few months ago, Gadden had only ever shot a BB gun. Like any good athlete, he has fought through adversity. At the start of the fall, he was bruised from the gun striking him in his face, because of a stock issue that would not allow him to mount the gun properly. Changing guns during the season would mess most people up, but Gadden just kept on shooting without issue. Finally perfecting his shot shooting a 25 out of 25.
The Laker Review wanted to shoot some questions about the grind Gadden’s way.
“How do you define the grind for you?”
Gadden- “I will say that the grind never stops. It is a constant effort towards my goal. Working up to what you want to accomplish. It never happens overnight, and it is a mix of failures and accomplishments to get you where you are today.”
The Laker Review: Is the Grind Positive or Negative?”
Gadden: “It is positive for me. If you did not work for it, I do not think it would be worth it. I enjoy the practices and watching my own progress.”
The Laker Review: “Do you think the grind will continue to impact you?”
Gadden: “Oh yeah, If I learn how to embrace the grind young it will stick with me through the rest of my life. There is always something to work towards whether you see it now or later. I feel if I have a goal, I should strive to achieve it. The Grind will be able to play a role in my life when I have a job and family one day. The good times always outweigh the bad times. The success I felt was worth so much more than the frustration of learning something new.”
The Laker Review: “How do you set an Example of the Grind?”
Gadden: “Never stopping no matter how tired I get. Continuing till I achieve the goal I have my mind set on. Even when frustrated with my performance I keep on practicing and working. I have practiced in all different elements. I always get in shots when I have the chance, Practice is so important.”
The Laker Review: “What’s a quote to sum up the Grind?”
Gadden: “Never let your head hang low unless it’s to look at your boots.” If you hang your head, you will never see the goal right in front of you.
Next time you hear Gadden say “pull” on the range he is not just shooting at some target; he is aiming for his goals.
I have one final question for readers: Who is aiming at those goals and shooting their shot?
I am watching and looking for who is up next on the grind.
Could it be you?
Pictured above is Gadden Henshaw holding his shotgun at the Jackson purchase gun club. Photo courtesy of Corban Henshaw.